Friday, April 12, 2013

I Didn't Want a Cat

I am NOT a Cat person. Let's start with that. I ended up with this Cat. We are on an adventure of learning about each other. I am not even really sure it is a cat. I think it is some kind of new Demon.

One of my challenges in life besides the CAT is my family's wanting dinner. I kept hearing- I'm Hungry...  I would ask... What do you want to eat? Blank stares with the cat laughing at me. Since NO ONE know what they want to eat, I will cook whatever I want to eat and if they dont like it there is always freezer sandwiches and can goods that they can fix. I have been doing this for about a week and I haven't heard- I'm Hungry once. Works for me!!!  I figured a blog would help me figure out what I have cooked on what day so I dont cook the same thing every week. I am a creature of habit and can fall into a routine that I wont budge from.

Slow Cooker Chicken Teriyaki with Pineapple

Found this great recipe on Utah Coupon Deals Blog. If you click on the link above it will take you to the recipe. I prepared as much as I could tonight because tomorrow is my sleep day. I work one night a week, yes I know a hard life.

I didnt take pictures of the preparations because I was at war with the CAT. His name is Boe by the way.  I am going to copy part of the recipe and walk you thru it with the CAT and I.

Dice the chicken and put into crockpot- Ok to do this, I don't touch meat, but I really really really want to try this. I have three chicken breasts, no bones. I suit up.....  searching to find the latex gloves, I have to have them, we dye hair around here. The CAT helps me look. Move cat, search cabinet, while moving cat and finally find the gloves. First pair of gloves in the trash because he didnt like the gloves and wanted to take them off me. Get him calmed down and give him the gloves he wanted. New gloves. After washing the chicken, I start to cut it up. Mama is doing something new and since he can jump to the counter I am keeping an eye on him......  when he goes to jump I hiss, this goes on the whole time I am cutting up the chicken. Finally done. Next step-

Add enough teriyaki sauce to coat the chicken thoroughly, be sure to stir it around with the chicken and let it soak a bit while you are getting the pineapple ready

Can do, teriyaki sauce in.. but problem, I didnt bring the pineapple can with me and it is around the corner. I have to walk backwards to get to the pantry while watching the CAT. He is watching me like I am crazy, guess I dont walk backwards a lot. Open the door, snatch the can, hiss at the cat who was thinking about jumping.

Everything else went well after that. He didnt like it when I took his gloves away but I cant just let him have them he might chew them up and choke.

All I have to do in the morning is just put it in the crock pot when I wake up and dinner will be ready before I go to work!

Here is what it looks like in the bowl....  He is in the other room so I didnt have to hiss.

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